About Casey Smith

I’m Casey Smith, an attorney in the Paducah office of Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer. I focus on helping injured people who need assistance obtaining workers’ compensation benefits or Social Security disability benefits. I also handle some personal injury matters.

I’ve represented hundreds of clients in cases involving workers’ compensation, personal injury, medical malpractice, and Social Security disability. I’ve represented clients from the intake process to completion in workers’ compensation cases and successfully secured disability benefits for hundreds of disabled clients.

These clients are hard-working, honest, very intelligent people. Oftentimes, they have been taken advantage of by the companies they work for.

The most satisfying aspect of being a personal injury attorney is getting good results for people who need help.

People come to me in a time of struggle. The first thing I want to do is make them feel comfortable. I want to answer any questions they have and make sure they understand their rights. I want to provide good customer service.

Clients seeking disability benefits usually are unable to work or have recently been laid off. They want to know what their options are going forward and whether they are going to qualify for Social Security disability. I try to give them as much information as possible, how long it will take, and whether they have a realistic chance. If I can help them out, I’ll let them know. If not, I’ll make sure they leave with all their questions answered.

These clients put their trust in me.  If I can get a good result for them, it really gives me a lot of satisfaction, knowing their life is going to be easier. It feels good helping out people in a time of need.