a man and woman gathered at a desk, attorney concept

When a person suffers a catastrophic injury or develops a severe medical condition that leaves them unable to work, the individual may be eligible for financial assistance through the Social Security Administration’s disability benefit programs. However, qualifying for disability benefits typically involves a complex application process. An experienced Social Security…

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It may take several months for the Social Security Administration (SSA) to approve your application for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. However, if your claim is approved, you will qualify for the benefits you would have received since the date of your application or from the date you were disabled. SSDI…

person on a wheelchair

If you have been injured or become ill and can no longer work for a living, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits. The Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program provides benefits to about 11 million disabled workers and dependents, including about 200,000 Kentucky residents. Because of the size…

An individual applying for Social Security Disability Insurance benefits may receive a letter directing them to see a doctor for a consultative examination. Some applicants find this to be confusing and frustrating because they have already submitted medical records as part of their application. The Social Security Administration is seeking…

If you have become disabled and can no longer work for a living, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. To qualify, your disability must prevent you from working for one year or be expected to lead to your death. Generally, SSDI will provide 40% of…