Injured in a Car Crash? Don’t Settle for Less – Get Your Case Reviewed for Free

If you are dealing with injuries from a car accident, taking care of your medical issues and trying to file a claim for compensation afterward can be overwhelming. Understanding your legal options is important. That is why the attorneys at Morgan, Collins Yeast & Salyer encourage you to schedule a free consultation if you’ve been the victim of a car accident. Our car accident lawyers in Kentucky can help you understand your rights and the steps available to you.

The Hidden Cost of NOT Getting Legal Advice After a Car Crash

Imagine you are driving home from work, and suddenly, another driver runs a stop sign at an intersection and crashes into your car. Although you may think you are unhurt initially, you wake up the next day very sore and in pain. Your injuries will require medical treatment and cause you to miss weeks of work. What seemed like a minor fender bender is now costing you thousands in medical expenses while affecting your ability to make money. Your health and finances are at risk.

Unfortunately, scenarios such as this are common. Many victims underestimate the financial impact of their accidents. You may expect that the insurance company is looking out for you. But insurance companies focus on preserving their profits rather than giving you the fair compensation you need. When insurance adjusters offer quick settlements, they are seeking to limit the financial exposure. Quick settlements often overlook the need for ongoing medical care, your lost wages, and the emotional toll an accident can take on an injured person.

It’s essential to have a clear understanding of your rights and the potential amount of compensation you may reasonably expect to recover. If an insurance company refuses to make a fair settlement offer, you may have to file a car accident lawsuit. Failing to schedule a free case review after an auto accident can leave you saddled with unforeseen medical expenses caused by someone else’s negligence.

“But I Don’t Want to Sue Anyone…” And Other Misconceptions

Many victims of car accidents fail to schedule a free case review or take action because they do not want to appear to be greedy. However, you must take the necessary steps to protect yourself and your financial future. Never let the following common misconceptions and concerns deter you:

  • Fear of Lawsuits: A free consultation with a car accident attorney in Kentucky can help you understand your rights. You have no obligation to file a lawsuit. An experienced personal injury attorney may be able to negotiate a fair settlement agreement with the at-fault driver’s insurance company that provides compensation to you. However, it is absolutely critical that you make an informed decision about your next steps.
  • Not Wanting to Seem Greedy: Seeking fair compensation for your injuries and damages is not being greedy. If someone else injured you through carelessness or negligent actions, they should pick up the tab for your injuries and losses.
  • “My Insurance Will Take Care of Me”: Kentucky is a choice no-fault state. If you have no-fault insurance, you will turn first to your own Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance policy to cover your medical expenses and lost wages. If you have severe injuries, your PIP policy might not cover all of your losses. Under the no-fault rules, if your expenses exceed $1,000 or your injuries are deemed serious, you could file a personal injury claim against the at-fault party’s insurance company. An experienced attorney can help you evaluate the proper steps to take during a free case review.

Knowledge is Power: What You Learn During a Free Case Review

A free case review after an auto accident can provide you with information about the insurance claims process, your legal options, and the compensation you may be entitled to seek. Here are some key questions to ask your car accident lawyer in Kentucky during the process.

Can I Get Compensation for Lost Wages, Not Just Medical Bills?

As the victim of a car accident, you may have a right to demand compensation for your lost income and other financial losses in addition to your medical expenses and future medical care. Lost wages can include any time you are out of work for medical care and recovery. An experienced attorney can help you determine the appropriate compensation to demand if you have a personal injury case.

Are There Deadlines I Need to Know About in Kentucky?

Yes. After sustaining injuries in an accident, you typically have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit. If you miss the filing deadline, your car accident case can be dismissed without a hearing. Seeking legal assistance from a Kentucky Courage attorney can help to ensure you take timely action to protect your rights.

Could More than One Person Be Responsible for My Injuries?

It is possible that more than one person may be financially liable for your injuries. If an at-fault driver caused the crash because of drunk driving, they could be financially responsible. If your car’s airbags fail to inflate, the airbag manufacturer could be liable as well.

What Happens in a Typical Case Review?

During a free case review, an experienced car accident attorney at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer will review the details of your car crash. Our legal team will assess your injuries and medical bills, as well as any need for ongoing medical treatment. We will evaluate the financial impact of the accident, both immediately and long term. We will answer any questions you have and provide guidance about whether it’s appropriate to pursue a car accident claim and what you can expect moving forward.

It’s NOT About Being Pushy, It’s About Being Prepared

The point of a free case review is to understand your options. It is about gaining the knowledge you need to make well-informed decisions. If you have suffered injuries, you may need legal representation to hold the insurance company accountable. Without the legal guidance of a knowledgeable car accident lawyer, you may feel financial pressure to agree to a settlement amount for far less than you deserve.

At Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer, our legal team is honored to help injured Kentuckians pursue personal injury cases and demand fair compensation in car accident cases. Our law firm is fully committed to offering free case reviews for car accident victims to ensure they understand their rights.

Whether you need to recover compensation for your medical costs, lost earnings, future medical costs, or other losses, our team can help you understand the steps needed to move forward. Understanding your rights and options after a car accident can help you make sound decisions with your future in mind. Contact a car accident lawyer for a free consultation today.

About the Author

He’s a member of the Kentucky Justice Association and the Kentucky Bar Association. He’s also a proud member of the Twin Branch United Methodist Church.