Former Judge Knew To Call Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer Right Away After His Car Accident

Bill Trude is a former circuit judge for Estill, Lee and Owsley counties. When a driver crossed over the center line and crashed head-on into his car, the judge knew exactly who to call: Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer.

“I knew how good they were at practicing personal injury law and I knew they could get me results,” said Judge Trude.

In the accident, Judge Trude suffered a broken back, a torn right rotator cuff and four broken ribs leaving him in need of surgery and months of medical care. Fortunately, the other driver’s insurance company agreed to pay the judge’s insurance claim fairly quickly.

However, the judge’s underinsured motorist coverage was holding out on approving his claim. That’s when Judge Trude called Roy Collins and Dan Yeast at Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer.

“Roy and Dan are both very down-to-earth, nice people and I knew they would do everything they could to get that claim approved,” said Judge Trude. And he was right. Once Roy contacted the underinsured motorist coverage insurance company, they agreed to pay the claim.

“It made the staff and I very proud to know that Bill trusted us to help him,” said personal injury attorney Roy Collins. “He not only had the capability to handle the claim himself, but he also knew nearly every lawyer in this area and could have chosen them to take his case. Thankfully, he chose Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer”

“Even though I could’ve handled my case on my own, I didn’t want to go that route because I knew Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer had the attorneys and staff to do the work to get me results,” said Judge Trude. “I think they’re some of the best personal injury attorneys in Kentucky so without question, they were my first call.”

If you’re injured in a car or big truck accident, Judge Trude recommends you call on the Kentucky Courage of Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer to help you with your case.

“If they don’t get a settlement or mediation for you, they’re not afraid to take your case to court,” said Judge Trude. “Not only that, but they’re great guys and great lawyers and I would recommend them to everyone – and I have.”

If you ever find yourself in need of a personal injury attorney after being injured in a car or big truck accident, do what Judge Trude did: call Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer and put their Kentucky Courage to work for you. Contact us now.

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One Man’s Hearing Loss Case Leads To A Win For All Kentucky Workers

Herman Napier came to Morgan, Collins, Yeast & Salyer suffering from hearing loss because he worked around repetitive, loud noises—but his employer denied his Workers’ Compensation claim.

When experienced Workers’ Comp lawyer McKinnley Morgan took on his case, the result was a win. Not just for Herman, but all Kentucky workers with hearing loss.

Over 24 years as an underground coal miner, Herman worked close to heavy machinery 40-60 hours a week.

He always wore ear protection, but his hearing got worse, anyway. He went for testing and found out he needed a hearing aid.

If you don’t have good hearing, he said, you can’t work in the mines. It’s a matter of safety.

The court that heard his case said: “He explained a miner ‘could get covered up’ if unable to hear subterranean ‘cracking,’ and would pose a risk to himself or others if unable to hear instructions or warnings over the din of underground equipment.”

A doctor determined Herman’s level of impairment was a “4% rating.”

The problem is, the Kentucky Workers’ Compensation Act had a rule that people with hearing loss must achieve an “8% impairment rating” to qualify for benefits.

That rule meant some people with hearing loss got treated differently than people with other workplace injuries, “isolating them from all other traumatic injury claimants,” the court said.

And the people with hearing loss were treated differently even though the reality of their situation and ability to return to work wasn’t any different than other injured workers.

“Traumatic injuries involving the ear,” the court said, were “the same as any other traumatic injury.”

So the Kentucky Court of Appeals ruled in 2018 that the way hearing loss was treated by the Kentucky Workers’ Compensation law violated both the Kentucky Constitution and the U.S. Constitution.

“The differing treatment of claimants was not rationally related to a legitimate state interest, and thus violated equal protection,” the court ruled.

Because Herman Napier and McKinnley Morgan had the Kentucky Courage™ to fight back when the system wasn’t fair, countless other workers—in factories, warehouses, mines or any other noisy setting—can now get the benefits they need to protect themselves financially when their job hurts their hearing.

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One Accident – Three Cases

One day, a client came to Morgan Collins and Yeast after being hurt on the job. He thought he only had a Workers’ Comp case, but after listening to him, our team realized he had three cases.

This client was injured when a ladder fell as he was climbing onto a building to do his job. The ladder had been improperly installed and/or maintained on the building by its owner.

The insurance company for the building’s owner initially denied the claim. But our firm hired the experts necessary to prove that the building owner was responsible for our client’s injuries. In the end, they agreed to pay our client $800,000 to settle his claim.

This settlement came on top of the recovery we were able to secure for him in his Workers’ Comp case. But, it doesn’t end there.

We also helped our client with his claim for Social Security Disability benefits. This client’s case is just one of many that show that whenever you are injured you need to have a law firm with the size, strength and experience to take care of all of your legal needs when you’re injured. Contact us today to put our team to work for you.

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